Thursday, January 26, 2017

Democracy feels so good...

26 January 2017: "The Republicans have the power in Washington. They have the Senate. They have the House. They have the White House, so it is now up to us. We can whimper, we can whine or we can fight back. ... Are you ready to fight back?...The only way we can make democracy work again is when the people's voice is heard." --Senator Elizabeth Warren, speaking to a crowd that included yours truly today, outside the Bavarian Inn, where 40 Democratic senators were meeting.

In addition to Warren, we heard fromheard Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris (I think? I am too short to know for sure!), Tammy Duckworth, and Amy Klobuchar speak. I shook hands with Cory Booker and Mark Warner. I did some shouting and clapping. I left feeling very patriotic, hopeful, and inspired. 

I was too short and too far back to get many good photos, but here are a few:

Senator Booker coming my way.  

That's my hand he's shaking. I told him to "fight for us." It was the most earnest and dorky thing I could think of, but he said he would. I said the same thing to Senator Warner. 

Bernie! (See him there?) Warren was right next to him, but alas, I am short and so is she, thus no pictures from me. She did come back out later in the day and I've seen pictures online of her hugging a bunch of my students. 

Some more soundbites from the speakers I heard. They are simply put, but I liked 'em:

Senator Duckworth: "We are patriots who love our country." Damn straight. I love her.

Senator Klobuchar (another big old soft spot for her!): "The most important thing you can do is speak your mind and fight back." Damn straight again. 

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