Friday, August 5, 2016


5 August 2016: I was supposed to see Spy, starring Melissa McCarthy, when it first came out last year. I had organized a group outing with a bunch of friends and was stoked. Then I got a call from my sister that she needed me to come and babysit while she and Eric took their amazing dog, Vedder, who had put up a long and noble fight against cancer, to the vet to be put to sleep. So the movie had to wait and my friends went without me.

In March, I actually DVRed the darn film and it has sat on the machine for five months. I started it earlier in the week and finally finished it today while getting some editing and revising done. Anyway, what a delightful film! And yay for Miranda Hart! And hilarious Jason Statham! And Allison Janney! I could go on...but you get the point.

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