Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year/New Blog Resolution: One Good Thing

A couple of years ago, I tried to do 365 posts (one for each day in 2014) about little things for which I was grateful. I got to about late July and then, well, things fell apart. Since then, my posts overall have been pretty sporadic, but I think I want to give this whole thing another go. My theme this year is even more simple: "one good thing." Each day (or at least, for each day--some might be late), I am going to post about one thing in my day that was good.

Look, the English teacher/lit critic in me realizes that "good" and "thing" aren't very fancy words. I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now, but it's what I keep coming back to. I like the simplicity of "good" (Hemingway was onto something, I think) and the vagueness of "thing." I think that will allow me the versatility that was lacking in "year of thanks." For that series, it was kind of hard to find something that was appropriate without also veering full speed into cliche. Lord know I can fall into a sentimental cliche and just luxuriate in it.

I welcome the challenge to spend a moment every day pointing out one good thing that happened to me--just something good that I experienced, that I saw, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. Life is filled with these moments, even on the worst days. So I'd like to record them. And maybe this will lead me to more blogging about other stuff (posts not on the theme). Who knows?

So here's #1 of, I hope, 365.

1 January 2016: This is an easy one. It's the delicious everything bagel I had this morning at Panera. What made it extra delicious? Sitting across from me in the booth was my best buddy, Jane.

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