Thursday, February 14, 2013

"All the Y'alls from Tami Taylor"

This is so perfect. I've been using "y'all" more or less all the time since college, no small linguistic adjustment for a born-and-bred New Yorker. It is second nature now, coming effortlessly from my mouth, much to the amusement of certain family members. It is, of course, an eminently useful pronoun, especially for teachers. That say, I found even more justification in the my continuing effort to be the sort of person Tami Taylor would be friends with. I adore the sheer variety of uses and inflections she employs in this compilation, from the enthusiastic greeting, to the frustrated appeal to a group, to the rhetorical "Come on, y'all" spoken to a traffic jam.

Enjoy the video, y'all! 

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