Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"There will be time, there will be time"

[Quoting a bit of Eliot in the title to this post because I couldn't think of anything better. Plus, I taught "Prufrock" yesterday in my ENGL 204 classes.]

[Also--really boring post alert.]

I can't believe it took me so long to notice, but it wasn't until about 11:00 this morning that I realized I wasn't wearing my watch. Once I realized it, though, I went a bit batty over it. Did I lose it and not hear it drop? Did I just forget to put it on that morning? I never do that. So I started checking all around my office--in the file cabinet drawers I'd been wrestling with earlier, in my bag, in stacks of folders. I walked up and down the hallways of the building. Nothing.

Then I had a meeting to go to at 12:00, but as I walked over to the meeting, I thought, "Well, maybe I have time to check my car to see if I lost it in there." And to check and see if I had time, I checked my wrist (which of course, had no watch on it), something I had already done about a dozen times since I noticed I wasn't wearing the darn thing. Fortunately, I had my ipod with me and it told me that I did have time to check the car. And no, the watch wasn't there. And yes, after I checked my car, I again checked my wrist to see if I was going to be late to the meeting. Seriously.

As I sat through the meeting, I felt like I was partially naked with my bare wrist. I even thought (because this is how paranoid I am...maybe those Prufrock connections aren't so off), "I hope no one notices that I am not wearing a watch." Because apparently I think a watch is an essential symbol of responsible professionalism and I wouldn't want anyone to think I was a renegade non-watch wearer. (Yeah, I do realize that plenty of people don't wear them--that they use their phones, etc., but I could never do that. Too much a creature of habit.)

The good news: the watch was at home. I just forgot to put it on. Weird.

[Yeah, really boring post. Sorry.]


AMT said...

I got a watch for Christmas last year. I wore it every day for three months, then went to put it on one day and couldn't find it. I never found it. It's the oddest thing. I keep thinking I'm going to find it behind a piece of furniture when I'm cleaning. I just use my phone as a watch now. Abigail doesn't seem to mind if I don't look "professional." :) I'm glad you found your watch!

Heidi said...

A missing watch mystery, huh? Very interesting!

So you are like the young folks who only use their phone to tell time, huh? Does this mean that your phone is always with you?

AMT said...

Yes, I'm so hip, I always have my phone with me. I'm not sure where else it would be! Well, I don't take it into the garden, but it's always nearby. Although, I do turn it off at night, because I don't want the radiation that I imagine it is constantly emitting beaming into my head all night long.