Sunday, May 9, 2010


Just entered my last set of grades! Thus ends another semester, a busy and stressful one (job candidates on campus! endless meetings! snow!), but not a bad one in the end.

Unfortunately, there is no rest for the weary and I now need to A) write a syllabus for my summer class, B) write a syllabus for an independent study I am doing over the summer, C) get started reading over 60 short stories for the West Virginia Fiction Writers Competition and D) work on a proposal for a new department line. All of this (more or less) needs to be done in the next couple of weeks.

Oh right, and there's that thing called scholarship, too, right?

Summertime and the living is easy...

(Still, don't take my complaints all that seriously: a summer schedule--even with all this other stuff--is still much nicer than a regular-semester schedule.)

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