Sunday, November 24, 2013


Back when I was in graduate school, dreaming about what life would be a like when I was a real professor, I didn't think that would mean spending a Sunday morning in my office on campus doing data entry and database clean-up. In fact, my summer job back then involved database clean-up and data entry and such work always stood out to me as "the work I was doing to pay for the education I needed to do the work I really wanted to do." Fast forward 10 years or so, and here it is, part of my work for SSAWW, and so I do it. The thing is, I don't mind it too much--it's a bit like working on a puzzle, which has always appealed to me.

Ten entries down (for this particular project). About 250 to go...

1 comment:

AMT said...

Good procrastination. I approve.