Thursday, December 6, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

I had no idea that I all I wanted for Christmas was a new water heater. But it looks like that's what I'll be getting myself. The joys of home ownership!

For the record, the old one is still working. It's just got something called a "dip tube" in it that is breaking down and causing all sorts of problems for my pipes--with the inevitable promise of getting much worse. You can read about the problem here, if you are interested. Since I am fortunate enough to be able to afford a replacement and since I like to be really proactive about this kind of stuff, I'm going to have the old unit replaced next week.

I suppose it's also worth noting that all of this started when the water pressure in my kitchen sink dropped off and I thought, "Well, I suppose I really ought to get this fixed and might as well replace that garbage disposal that the plumber told me to fix back in January..." And so it began...


Unknown said...

I know how much you love baths, so I'm glad you can continue taking them! haha. Cold/lukewarm baths are NO FUN AT ALL.

Heidi said...

Yeah--cold baths are the worst (unless it's the summer--then they can be refreshing!). I am hoping that my hot bathwater lasts even longer now because, yes, I LOVE a good bath!