Friday, September 3, 2010


So I am not a Diet Coke addict or a caffeine-driven/dependent person. But I do like to reward myself each afternoon with a Diet Coke. I bring it in from home, put it in the tiny department fridge in the morning, then enjoy it later, usually after 3:00 or so. It's a yummy, refreshing, and relaxing part of my day. Twice this semester, someone has taken it. It is amazing how angry, annoyed, and disappointed that makes me.

I really want to channel Ross Gellar and his turkey sandwich rage. "Did you mistake it for YOUR Diet Coke?"



darogermatic said...

you have more good things going on in your life, though :)

AMT said...

Oh, that stinks. Did you write your name on it? Maybe you could get one of those tiny drink fridges for your office. My mom has one that holds about six cans.

Shannon said...

someone stole my pepsi out of the work frig.... pissed the u know what out of me!!!