Thursday, February 18, 2010

Zotero and RefWorks

Have any of my academia-dwelling friends used either RefWorks or Zotero before? We had a workshop on both (sponsored by our awesome Center for Teaching and Learning) and they blew my mind. I am really drawn to Zotero--it's free, and you have to use Firefox, but that's no problem for me. It also seems much simpler and more integrated into your browser than RefWorks, although RefWorks apparently has some features Zotero doesn't have.

If you are working on a long project, check these programs out. They might revolutionize the way your conduct your research.


Kate said...

I used Zotero while I was working on my thesis, and I still use it for occasional stuff I want to keep handy & organized online. I think it rocks! It's a simple way to keep all of my online research (including links to books) in one place, so it's easy to find and use. It makes citing works much easier, because it keeps all of the publication info organized for you. I love that I can have multiple projects or topics going at once in different folders.

It's essentially a well-organized filing system, but it's online, and you don't have to worry about keeping it organized for yourself.

darogermatic said...

how does it work? i just downloaded the software. if i call you, will you give me a mini lesson.

KRGP said...

Hi Heidi! I use Mendeley--also free, like iTunes for pdfs and other resources.