Thursday, July 23, 2009

Three quick links...

1) Fancy Fast Food. The posts at this blog are certainly creative, but they also kind of make me want to throw up.

2) Vanity Fair's executive literary editor, copy editors, and research department take on Sarah Palin's resignation speech. This is all kinds of awesome and I kind of wish they would do it for other political speeches--from both parties, because this kind of poor writing is definitely a bipartisan problem.

3) Les Lye, who played Barth and just about every other adult male character on You Can't Do That on Television, just died. This show was a favorite for my little sister and I when we were kids.


Someday_phd said...

Oh no! Not Barth.
I loved You can't do that on Television - especially pre-Alanis

Someday_phd said...

You are right. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

AMT said...

I loved that show but did not like Barth. He was too gross for me.