Thursday, September 4, 2008

Class of 2012...

Check out the annual Beloit College Mindset List, a useful (if kind of scary!) tool for college teachers facing a new group of freshman every year.

Some of my favorites:

10. Girls in head scarves have always been part of the school fashion scene.
32. There has always been Pearl Jam.
38. Lenin's name has never been on a major city in Russia.
44. Caller ID has always been available on phones.
55. 98.6 F or otherwise has always been confirmed in the ear.

Feeling old yet? The insights about technology are especially useful as each year's freshman class is more wired than the year before and that affects the way they learn and the way we need to teach them. (Check out this story about a plan to put iPod Touches in the hands of an entire middle school.) I also appreciate the insights about the wonderful sense of multicultural sensitivity so many students bring with them. That should give us some hope in a crazy world that often seems too divided.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

As you youngsters would say, True that!
Jane's Mom