Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sore throat? Stop kissing your pets!

I am currently hard at work on a paper about Poe's "The Black Cat." Part of my research has me digging through old periodicals to find nineteenth-century articles about pets and pet care. Fortunately, many of these periodicals are available online through the Making of America sites hosted by Michigan and Cornell.

Periodical research like this is actually a lot of fun--okay, a lot of fun for a history buff/dork like myself. Occasionally, you find real gems, some of which I'll be posting about in the coming days. Let's start, though, with this one, from an 1879 issue of The Manufacturer and Builder. The page came up in my search because of the short article linking sore throats to pet kissing, but what really caught my eye was the funny engraving of the guy in the tub. Classic.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

hmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't think I can stop giving my cats hugs and kisses!! they are my babies!

cool find Dr. Heidi!! I enjoyed browsing the entire thing. it is good to know that lawyers and clergymen bite their nails too!!