Monday, July 30, 2007

Do you have a "signature" word?

"Everyone should have a signature word." That's what Ben Macintyre argues in this article. In it he also discusses Christopher Foyle's Foyle’s Philavery: A Treasury of Unusual Words, a book that I am going to have to put on my ever-growing wish list.* As someone who loves language, unusual words, and playing with language, I really enjoyed this piece--I only wish it were longer. Just yesterday I think I made up a word, although I bet lots of folks have used it before. A friend called me and asked what I was up to, and I said, "Syllabizing," as in, the act of working on my syllabi.

And now I am thinking about what my signature word is. I know I use "indeed" way more than I should in my academic writing. I also use "ought" way more than any normal 29 year-old American should. But those are not exactly the kinds of signature words Macintyre is talking about in this article. Well, I suppose I ought to give it some thought and maybe post an update if I think of one. Indeed.

Can any of you, my loyal if small group of readers, think of your signature word?

*For some reason, I can only find this book on's UK site. Perhaps because it is so new (only published in the UK on July 27).


Shannon said...

"Barf" is my new signiture word! While barf is a little unusual here in VA during the summer! I can still find numerous ways to use barf in a sentance!!!

p.s. I just can't wait to build me a barf-man this winter!

Shannon said...

I am the only one reading this... or does noone else have a signiture word???

( I am really leaving another comment to see if the picture I just added to my profile shows up!!)

Shannon said...

It worked!

AMT said...

I have been thinking and thinking, but I don't think that I have a signature word. Yours is awesome, BTW.

I love that pic, Shannon! It's just too cute.