Friday, April 27, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

I saw The Cabin in the Woods earlier this week with a couple of friends. I had no idea what to expect and will just echo what everyone else is saying about it: the less you know going in, the better. And it's awesome. This blog post (by Joe Reid--from my favorite podcast, extrahotgreat) says a lot of what I might say about it (and better than I could!).


AMT said...

Is it gory or really scary? I'd like to see it, but I don't want it to keep me awake all night when Mike is out of town.

Heidi said...

It is gory and you will jump in your seat a couple of times, but it isn't terrifying. (No nightmares!) I think you'll really like how smart it is.

AMT said...

I do like smart, but I don't like gory. Hmmm... Maybe I can watch it with my hands in front of my face peeking through my fingers.