Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some Downton videos

Both courtesy of the Pop Culture Happy Hour Facebook group:

I'd love to watch with these ladies!

But what does it mean???

I'm also not sure what it says about me but this is true: there are certain shows that I count the days until new episodes air--like I'll wake up in the morning, and by the time I am walking out the door, I'll think, "Oh man, I still have to wait [fill in the blank] days until the next episode of [fill in the show]." And that realization makes me sad. Like genuinely (and yes, only temporarily!) bummed out. It doesn't happen all that often. I love my TV, but generally I can wait out breaks between episodes and even seasons. But every once in a while, there's an exception to that rule.

This past fall/early winter, it was American Horror Story.

Right now, it's Downton Abbey. 

That, my friends, in a bit eclectic, no?

1 comment:

AMT said...

The SNL spoof on if Downton Abbey was on Spike really cracked me up!