Friday, November 13, 2009

That's about right...

My friend Bethany forwarded this cartoon to me. It's perfect, right?

On a related note, as several of my friends know, I hate text messaging. Some of that is because I am so darn slow that it takes me 2o minutes to type a line. Some of it is because it costs me anywhere from 10 to 30 cents to send or receive messages and I don't like that I don't have choice about whether or not I want to receive them. But a whole lot of it is because I hate "text speak"--the abbreviations and general butchery it does to language. Similarly, I can't send emails without salutations and proper closing, much less without punctuation or capitalization. I know that I have issues...

Imagine my horror, by the way, when someone (I have no idea who!) taught my 60-something year old father to send text messages and he took to it a like a fish to water. I mean, he texts with the enthusiasm and frequency of a 17 year old girl. The other day, I got this message from him: "How r u". Seriously?


Someday_phd said...

That is exactly how I roll!

Although, I do text...I make sure to NEVER abbreviate to text language. It's why I have a full keyboard on my phone.

Someday_phd said...

btw, This image is now my desktop background and I L. O.V. E. it.